Saturday, January 30, 2010

Best Blog Award...

Yardsticks 4 Lunatics from has give this beautiful gift to me! Thank you for tagging me!

Yardsticks 4 Lunatics de pe mi-a oferit acest frumos cadou! Multumesc ca m-ai ales!


The rules for the award are as follows:

1. To accept the award, you must post it on your blog with the name of the person who has granted you the award, and a link to their blog.

2. Pass the award on to approximately 10-15 other blogs that you recently discovered and think are great!

3. Contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
I 've discovered recently this blogs:

Polish Pixie: 
Romika, my latest discovered blog:

M-am taiat ieri! I cut myself yesterday!

I cut myself whit a fake Konad plate!
You have to be careful!

Mai de mult mi-am luat eu un set cu 2 placute fake si 3 oje ca sa le incerc. Cu oja fake am patit-o mai de mult, era o oja albastra si mi-a pigmentat patul unghiei in albastru, si nu l-am putut sterge cu absolut nimic, si a ramas asa pana cand unghia mea a crescut destul de mare ca sa pot sa indepartez si portiunea pigmentata. Asa ca de atunci nici nu am mai incercat, si nici nu voi incerca. Majoritatea placutelor au niste modele haioase (nu-mi plac) si de exemplu niciun model nu exista pentru toata unghia, in al doilea rand sunt periculoase, chiar ieri am patit-o cand am vrut sa o arat unei prietene, m-am taiat cu ea pentru ca au margini foarte ascutite. Placutele de la Konad au pe spate sa zic asa un fel de suport, care te protejeaza.
Aveti grija, cu usurinta te poti taia si mai rau decat eu (a mea deja aproape s-a vindecat), si propabilitatea este si mai mare in acele familii unde sunt si copii, fetite mai mici. 

1. Valentine mani (purple)

Thank you BabyD for the tip !!!
Products: - special polish pastel violet(m19) + hearts (m56) Princess special polish violet pearl
Next time I will try this but whit red and white polish.

Data viitoare am sa incerc tot varianta asta dar intr-o alta combinatie de culori: rosu si alb.
Produsele utilizate: - Konad special polish pastel violet + Princess violet pearl
- image plate m19, m56.

M19: trebuie putina practica, dar nu prea mult, repede poti sa prinzi tehnica si atunci chiar ca merge repede orice manichiura frantuzeasca, nu trebuie sa te chinui cu pensula ojei. Mie-mi place din ce in ce mai mult sa folosesc aceasta placuta si de fiecare data merge mai repede.

M56: Favorita mea dintre placutele frantuzesti pt tipsuri de la Konad, deoarece are: modele pt tipsuri cu inimi, patratele, floricele, frunzi, etc. Pentru mine cu ajutorul acestor modele manichiura frantuzeasca devine mult mai interesanta si draguta. 


Valentines manis! Soon!

From this moment I will use my Konad for Valentine's nails! So stay tuned :D. I saw some very beautiful  Valetine's designs by Babyd, check her blog : and I want to try that designs!

De acum încolo, aş vrea să creez cu Konad cât mai multe modele pentru Valentine's day! Şi aş vrea şi un mic review despre fiecare plăcuţă, ojă utilizată. BabyD a creat nişte modele foarte drăguţe pentru Valentine's day, şi aş vrea să le încerc şi eu:

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Konad m64...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Gloss french...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Konad m31...

Monday, January 11, 2010

Konad m19+m65

Thursday, January 7, 2010

French plate m19 ...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Thanks for the gift!

Subflava gave this gift to me!
Thank you very much !!!
7 facts about me:
- 1. I love my teddy bear so much, he is everything for me!
- 2. I love Konad, it's my obsession, and when I go to shopping, I must buy at least 3-5 new nail polishes.
- 3. My other obsession: clothes. I have many-many clothes, and some times I even don't know where to put them! Maybe I will take some pictures in the future.
- 4. I like to read, specially adventures books: whit treasures, secret islands...
- 5. I like much-much-much Korean movies: Boys over flowers(the no 1 for me in my life, and the soundtrack is like a dream), but is also like Twilight and New moon, Keith, A walk to remember
- 6. My favorite band is SS501(Love like this, Ur man, Because I'm stupid, Making a lover and many others) a Korean pop band, I also like(korean) SHINee- Stand by me, Jisun - What Do I do, Byeolbinnoonmool - Kim Yoo Kyung(my FAVORITE), A'ST1-Yearning of the heart...
- 7. I'm talented in painting(this is why my name is PG-paintinggirl), I regret why I haven't go to art school, and I also like to sing.

Sorry for my english, I only learned French, Dutch and Italian ...  I learned English thanks to movies...

I also wanna tag:
1. Ive(thanks to her I've discovered Konad):
2. Mayra:
3. Babbling Brooke:
4. Scrangie:
5. Polish Hoarder:
6. Nihrida:
7. Lyra:

Monday, January 4, 2010

A very easy french mani...

Happy new year everyone!!!

Sorry for the image quality!