First stamp your desired pattern (s) ... It's the best to choose a very light shade for the stamping (white, or like in this case I've used the konad special polish in pastel green) ... The stamping doesn't need to be perfect ...
In primul rand stampilezi modelul (le) dorit (e) ... Este ideal sa alegi o culoare foarte deschisa pt model (alb, sau in acest caz eu am ales oja speciala de la konad pastel green) ... Modelul stampilat nu trebuie sa fie perfect, in acest pas nu conteaza ...
Then with a nail art brush you can begin the coloring with any color ...
Apoi cu o pensula poti incepe sa umpli, colorezi modelul cu orice culoare ...
You can use multiple colors in the same time ...
Poti alege mai multe culori pt model in acelasi timp ...
After this step I always put a coat of a clear nail polish or top coat over the designs, because if I'll make some mistakes in the next steps I can easily remove them without beginning again from the start ...
Dupa acest pas intotdeauna pun un strat de oja transparenta sau top coat peste model, pentru ca, daca in urmatoarele pasuri gresesc pot sa-mi corectez greseala, fara sa fiu nevoita sa sterg totul si sa iau iarasi de la inceput ...
Now stamp the same patterns (in any color) ''exactly'' on the top of the colored designs ... If doesn't came out perfect - like the head of my butterfly :)), don't be sad, anyway the effect will be something special ...
Se stampileaza acelasi model (cu orice culoare) ''exact'' peste modelul umplut ... Daca nu iese perfect - ca si capul fluturasului meu, nu fi trista, ca oricum efectul va fi ceva mai deosebit ...
Final step: a clear top coat and you are done!!!
Ultimul pas: un strat de top coat si esti gata!!!
Polishes used ...
Ojele utilizate ...
Happy stamping!