Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Multicolor stamping - basic level

Multicolor stamping
Easy - basic level
 1 step:
Stamp your desired model in:  
- a light color if the contour-edges of the final design will be in a darker color
- a dark color if the contour-edges of the final design will be in a lighter color

 2 step:
Fill the design with your desired color
!!! Use a dotting tool or an orange stick to avoid thickiness (not the polish brush)

!!! Put a clear top coat over it, in this way you can easily remove the design in a darker color without damaging the filled design, if you've made a mistake in the next step.

 3 step: 

Stamp the same model in your desired color on the top of the filled top coat protected design
Put a top coat over the final design and you are done!

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